Tuesday, October 8, 2019


You wanna give. Me the best. You wanna give. Me the best. That you tie your breasts give. Me think you look. I didn't earn. It I think I'm worthless yeah. You could be from good luck it's only on the hood. I didn't give. You nothing do baby loving castles and welcome back to my channel. I make videos about medicine in life blog and house is crazy job as. We call a life. Now now today as. You can tell from the title above I'm going to be talking about resumes so.

That United is hiring I decided to be a good enough time to get talk about my resume and show. You guys what it looks like just so. You guys can kind of have an idea. You know like a basis of maybe. What about information look like. This is my knowing name means like a staple or like the guideline to go by but this is more so an example of what I turned in I kind of went a little bit outside of the box as far as resumes.

That by no means sense. That you have to do. That you can do a simple resume like. Any other any other application. I just a mistress so. I like to do a little bit extra on my resume. Because that's kind of what my mom always taught. Me to do um so I'm going to show. You guys in my screen. I have my iPad right here with my resume on it so let. Me go ahead and show. You guys that stuff we're going to start from the title. This is my little resume as. You guys see it's pink grey and white and I got. This template from. Some website. I think I looked up like pink and gray is pink resume template and I bought.

This for maybe like $20. It became like business cards and a whole little set up um so just starting from the top. I just had my name right here. They had a place. You put your picture but I don't really think. That for this type of job. I think that's more so for like graphic design and like modeling and things. You have your face style just helped. Us a lot what is job. You do but they don't really care. What you look like for the whole card so.

I guess for my name there and then it's comical my name and then. I kind of put like my eye catcher. You know kind of will summarize my whole resume so. I put highly motivated energetic self started with over five years of excellent customer service experience seeking challenging opportunities for growth with an eagerness to learn so.

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