Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10 disadvantages of working in the IT field

Many people mistakenly believe that IT professionals have very high salaries. However, few understand how hard it is to work in this area. As in any profession, working in IT has its advantages and disadvantages. This article is intended to dispel unrealistic ideas about working in the IT field. But if you decide to look for a job in this area, start with a resume, make it great or find help in the best resume writing service

1. Irregular working hours.
There are many IT majors, but most have one thing in common - irregular working hours. If you want to work in IT, you must be prepared for the fact that you have to work at night and on weekends.

2. Lack of personal time.
Working in technical support, you will be tied to a mobile phone. This means that at any time you can be called to work in case of emergency. If misfortune happens, you, like a superhero, should be ready to give up all your affairs and go to save the world.

3. Communication with embittered people.
The worst part of working in IT (in particular, in technical support) is that you will have to face many embittered people. People who turn to you for help are upset and expect that you will solve their problem right now. Often they are hostile, because the “problem with your system” prevents them from doing their job.

4. Urgent work.
Many IT jobs must be completed on time. For example, developers need to write a program, and a network administrator must create user accounts or deploy and test a new system by a specific date. Often, the deadlines are completely unrealistic for the amount of work that needs to be done, but in any case you have to keep within them.

5. Repair of home computers.
Another thing that you are likely to encounter is that your colleagues will ask you to repair their personal equipment. Helping people is good. But sometimes, you may just be very busy or they may not understand that they are asking for impossible things.

6. The constant lie.
Users will constantly lie to you about the nature of the problems they face. Nobody wants to take responsibility, so users are trying to hide the true cause of the problem. This applies not only to internal users, but also to vendors. They will constantly tell you that the problem is not related to their software, but to the hardware or operating system. Well, suppliers in general can say anything to sell their goods.

7. Continuous training.
The IT industry is constantly evolving. In order to do their job, IT professionals have to study a huge amount of information, which is very out of date. The only way out is to constantly train. It's complicated. And the point here is not so much in the complexity of the technical information being studied, but in the fact that you have to study after hours and, most likely, at your own expense.

8. Not always everything works as it should.
When the deadlines for the project are already running out, you usually encounter some technical problems that lead to a complete stoppage of the project. Computer systems are a complex thing, and sometimes, despite all their efforts, they simply do not work as they should. Any little thing, for example, an incompatible version of the chip for a series of motherboards, can disrupt the entire project. It is up to you to find the problem and fix it.

9. Bureaucracy.
IT has always had to deal with certain office policies and bureaucracy. However, in recent years the level of this bureaucracy has increased several times. Incidents in large companies have led IT professionals to comply with a number of regulations. And this almost always makes IT projects more complex, time-consuming and costly.

10. Your profession can get rid of itself.
Professional IT professionals do their job so that everything works perfectly. But if everything works, then IT professionals are no longer needed. Many believe that IT professionals do not have to worry about being left without work. However, to work with the latest generation software products for managing a huge number of systems, a very small number of specialists are required. In addition, many IT positions are disappearing as systems move to the cloud. And although the IT industry itself will not disappear in the near future, but knowledge in the field of IT does not guarantee employment at all.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I am also visit action instilled in me are my efficient and personable customer service and communication skills. That will provide Virgin America with. Another status quo changing to members. I am confident. That my work in educational background would be a valuable asset to your organization as a promising and passionate candidate. I would welcome the opportunity to talk with members of Virgin America human resource team and detail about how my personality education customer service experience and gain skill set will be beneficial to Virgin America sincerely say there Rob so.

That got me in the door. I have had my face to face interview immersion but this is kind of give. You an idea of my cover letter and each cover letter. I would kind of get changed around the edge just based on the arguments methyl organization but the job companies and then. I would change the name. I just had to change a few things out like. I would keep. Everything about the same don't use my same cover letter. That I'm given.

This B doesn't help as a copy so do. We a solid single copy so yeah an idea. Any questions about resume of cover letters just let. Me know but a lot of times it's giving me questions about cover letters in real pain and I get didn't want to send my resume out like that's all y'all so yeah. This really helps. You guys you have. Any questions let.

Me know give. Me comments go ahead and like the video subscribe to my channel. You want to watch. More videos about how to grow a plant in it or get. Some bodies in your life in general. I have a lot of logs coming out soon so guess keep watching and I will talk to you guys later bye. Feeling good.


What this is a in a pretty foreman and finally my. Most recent job well I've seen. I was a leasing consultant as student quarters in college responsible for providing residence services and a professional and courteous trainer responsible for responding to internet leads answering prospect calls and conducting property tours and their leasing apartment to sell the products and services of the Parkwood to prospect so basically.

We get calls people make sure. That they were selected in the property. We did tours like. I said we'd at least good. We need up with contracts and odd so. We also did like fun things at our office for our residents tip so. I mean really that's all I did for my resume. I don't know what parts of it were strong. I did go to my face-to-face interview. They had circles around certain things. That I had done so. You go to your interview they'll probably have things. They want to ask. You about so. I could put. That he had circles.

I think around my use exchange program and then the leasing consultant and then. I think around my um my degree so. I know means. You have to have a degree to have. This job you don't have to be a person that's been abroad or anything like. That but those are the things. That you circled on my resume. You get a license before and you're moving from like a regional tour mainline or mainland for a line or regional to another regional no probably have been circled as well. Because they want to ask questions about it so just keep in mind things.

That maybe you can relate back to being a flight attendant or what you think apply finish. You like so just dealing with difficult situations at your current job like things like. That like stories. That can make. You sound better at what you did before to make them one of things. That you're going to be a great legend in which are doing so yeah. I also did a cover letter. I also did a cover letter but it was really like cut and dry like. I can read it to you guys with like immediate a cover letter.

I basically did for for Virgin America and what I would do. I was doing each of my cover letters is I would go on to the website of the airline. I was applying for and I would look at like their culture. What they believe in and kind of find keywords to use in my resume in August review my resume so. This was in March. This is March 2016. That I was its original Erica beard Human Resources team. Because I had no ideas right. This one I'm writing to express.

That I am in fact version of for Virgin America. I have an active interest in the in-flight teammates position with Virgin America after reading one bridge America is all about what your company strives to do in the job requirements. I found myself to be a suitable match for this position I'm creative considerate enthusiastic fearless hopeful on is optimistic reliable and above. All passionate.


I could always go back to my experiences about my parents home say just say. How I'm interested in learning about different cultures and learn about different people and then like. That reading Leaders program. I can kind of say like. I enjoy interacting with people. I enjoy taking the lead in situations or just being involved on campus and then my Messiah Dennis of course by come in my studies as far as my major was concerned so.

That was the meets. You know the experience part so. I definitely had. More job service and I've definitely had. More jobs that were like made for like two months but I follow the rule of keeping your resume at one page so. I kept like the most important job on here is for as well as my. Most recent job so. I kept the job network sound like. Most relevant to the flight attendant life as far as like customer service and things. I stayed a little bit longer. Now in the long run I'm going to have to are. You guys are going to have to let them know. All the jobs. You were in and that's more so on the application part let's try the resumes I'm not going to tell them all but I'm just going to put the meat and bones of whatever jobs.

That I did so sorry from the bottom. I work at people. I was in high school from 2010 to 2014. I just listed. That I liked. I found the details for these bullet points. I literally went on the website or I went on Google and then. I searched for my job and I searched my again like my position at that job and I look at the requirements in like what's the Japanese word and I kind of like summarize. That or I get clicked. This will explain directly from the website like there was. Nothing special going on here. I didn't really make.

This up myself so. I guess that's kind of what I didn't find the bullet weight so. We only served as a cashier and officer is the delivery driver in favor. It happens a co-worker's highly skilled in providing great customer service to restaurant. Yet then I was a receptionist at triple-a castle during the summer time between my lash or when. I was in my 10th grade year and then my senior year run with the Pollux. Provided information to customers and direct the cost into the correct individual about paperwork distributed incoming mail and outgoing mail and answer incoming calls on a multi-line phone system so.

That kind of shows like I'm able to do multiple things at once the receptionist and then. I was still associated. I was in college at shoe department so. I consulted with customers determine ease access personal style and find the best fit item constantly maintained at performances in a number of transactions and sales littles which I did and then restocking work and I prepare for sales and move cash and organized sales for so that's basically cleaning the store and helping people find choose based on what they wanted and we got commissioned based off seeing sales so that's basically.


I guess basically in that four incidents. I describe what I've been through with my experience with my job previous job and then in the next minute. I guess but what I was searching for in my future job so then going down to the next thing this right here with the phone is obviously for your phone number. I learned it out and then the next line and for your email blowing that out and then the last one is my home address or my address at the time. I was in college so I'm just gonna start on this side with education so.

I graduated with a bachelor's in arts and communication from off the university. I was there from 2012 to 2016 as. You guys can see and then there's a lot of different things. You can put under. You choose to do with like gate kind of like mine I get split achievement and I went as far back is all the way. I was in high school just to crime them I kind of put the achievements. That kind of related to the job in some sort of way the first.

I put like like an academic achievement which is when the PI ADA the National Communication Association March 2016 and then the next achievement. That exit is kind of like. Something I did. That involves a little bit of academics in a little bit of like being around people so the emerging leader program. Even look to see. What that was. It was just and I figure down below. That Reggie leaders program is designed to encourage and develop incoming freshmen student leaders at the future existing an extreme blue area on campus so.

That kind of shows. That I'm involved and that I want to interact with other students on campus as a freshman but did. That for 2012 2014 alza' freshman learning I'll going to freshmen learning community and everything when. I was president and I moved on to an existing leader. I went from an emerging leader to an existing leader in 2013 to 2014 so then finally. I just put the hell kind of like cultured or I like learning about different cultures so.

I was in 11th grade. I got the japan-us minute exchange scholarship which is like a Marshall scholarship recipient who study abroad in Japan for six weeks during the summer and I did. That on my own business. Because I really wanted to travel and I really wanted to learn about and I did a home cleaning everything for six weeks so. I just put that I received. This partial scholarship so. You have like a payments and things like. This on there it's good things. That you can kind of kind of like expand our major in civil court it's just having things. That you can have expand on just. If they happen to ask. You about it like. 


You wanna give. Me the best. You wanna give. Me the best. That you tie your breasts give. Me think you look. I didn't earn. It I think I'm worthless yeah. You could be from good luck it's only on the hood. I didn't give. You nothing do baby loving castles and welcome back to my channel. I make videos about medicine in life blog and house is crazy job as. We call a life. Now now today as. You can tell from the title above I'm going to be talking about resumes so.

That United is hiring I decided to be a good enough time to get talk about my resume and show. You guys what it looks like just so. You guys can kind of have an idea. You know like a basis of maybe. What about information look like. This is my knowing name means like a staple or like the guideline to go by but this is more so an example of what I turned in I kind of went a little bit outside of the box as far as resumes.

That by no means sense. That you have to do. That you can do a simple resume like. Any other any other application. I just a mistress so. I like to do a little bit extra on my resume. Because that's kind of what my mom always taught. Me to do um so I'm going to show. You guys in my screen. I have my iPad right here with my resume on it so let. Me go ahead and show. You guys that stuff we're going to start from the title. This is my little resume as. You guys see it's pink grey and white and I got. This template from. Some website. I think I looked up like pink and gray is pink resume template and I bought.

This for maybe like $20. It became like business cards and a whole little set up um so just starting from the top. I just had my name right here. They had a place. You put your picture but I don't really think. That for this type of job. I think that's more so for like graphic design and like modeling and things. You have your face style just helped. Us a lot what is job. You do but they don't really care. What you look like for the whole card so.

I guess for my name there and then it's comical my name and then. I kind of put like my eye catcher. You know kind of will summarize my whole resume so. I put highly motivated energetic self started with over five years of excellent customer service experience seeking challenging opportunities for growth with an eagerness to learn so.